The 4 Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs

The four most manipulative zodiac signs. Illustration: Signo.netThe four most manipulative zodiac signs. Illustration:

We are all manipulative in one way or another

We always want to get others to do what we desire. Whether it’s to feel more secure, to control situations, or to be more loved.

+ Are you curious about astrology and the influence of stars in our lives? Have you ever wondered why certain people seem to effortlessly attract attention? Well, you’re in luck!

However, some people are more manipulative than others and, worse, for some people, manipulation is part of their “modus operandi”.

So, which zodiac signs are the most manipulative? It’s good to know so we can stay alert because no one likes to realize they are being manipulated!

Each sign has its own way and reason for manipulating others and some have a PhD in the art of manipulation. Water signs win any competition.


They are the champions in the art of manipulation. As a water sign, highly emotional, Scorpio is intensely connected to the survival instinct and, therefore, deeply insecure and fearful, especially in relationships and when it involves love and affection.

Scorpios are terrified of abandonment and losing power over their environment, so they are jealous and controlling. They may even use sex to manipulate and control those they love.

Everything to ensure their presence by your side or to maintain their power in the territory they control.


Cancerians are very needy and, in a fight between Scorpios and Cancerians, it is difficult to say who is more manipulative.

Cancer women are usually the champions of manipulation, with their children, partners, and friends.

They do everything to ensure the love of those they love and use strategies like guilt to make you stay by their side.

Sometimes they play dirty and can provoke the anger of those who realize they have been deceived. But since everything is done out of “love,” they end up being forgiven.

Cancer men are eternally insecure boys, and manipulation happens to ensure that you will always be by their side.


Pisces’ “woe is me” attitude is part of their manipulation strategy. Pisces is a sign overflowing with sensitivity. Their emotions are always on the surface and therefore they are always alert to any sign of rejection or abandonment.

This is when the “victim role” is triggered, and the manipulation begins with emotional blackmail. They play the part of the poor, suffering, rejected, and wronged.

They exaggerate their suffering to the maximum, and the unsuspecting fall into their sea of suffering.


Like Scorpio, Capricorns manipulate to maintain control over their environment and the people they love. Losing control, no matter what or over whom, can drive a Capricorn crazy!

Capricorn’s manipulation can involve withholding affection; they can become an iceberg if you don’t act the way they want. And don’t think they will be moved if you threaten to leave them.

They will stick to their tactics, and if you are even slightly insecure, you will fall right into their trap.

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